My weekly weight in was on Friday and I posted my first weekly gain after three months of doing Weight Watchers. It was 1.2 pounds, which takes my total weight loss up to 23.8 pounds. I’m only slightly discouraged by it. I figured my 4.2 pound loss the week before had me at the bottom of my natural weight swing, and this gain was at the top. I weighed myself Saturday morning and I was back down to the weight from the previous Friday.
What was different this past week compared to the week before? I’m not sure. I didn’t eat the taco salad on Thursday at work the week before, and I did this week. I figure it’s pretty salty, and maybe sits heavily in me, so that may have something to do with it. Otherwise, like every other week, I don’t dip in my weekly “bonus” points and I had most of my activity points left. 9 used of 28 earned for the 1.2 gain, and 0 used of 27 earned for the prior week. But, that 10 point difference wouldn’t have mattered that much. So I think I’m on the right track for blaming it on the natural weight fluctuations.
My running this week wasn’t as frequent as I would have wanted. Just the race last weekend and then 3.1 miles on Thursday. I’m having a hard time getting remotivated to run more frequently. Has something to do with the spring being cool, and having a lot of school work I need to get done. I do still enjoy the runs when I get out there. I guess it’s time to lace up the shoes and go for a Sunday afternoon run. Temp is in the low 60’s and it just finished raining.