Tag: weightwatchers
Cleaning up my eating
Since I’ve basically been stalled at the same weight for 3.5 months now, I think I’m going to switch my Weight Watchers and go back to counting calories with the My Fitness Pal app. At the same time, I am going to try to change my eating style around. I want to try some lower…
Catching up on things
Well, like I usually tend to do, I forgot about the blog for a few weeks. Oops! On July 4, 2013, I ran the Firecracker 6 mile race in downtown Indianapolis. I have a bit of a streak going with this one since this was my 4th year of the race and the 4th time…
Week one of @IndyMonumental training program done!
Week one of my Running Wizard training program is done! I ran 20.4 miles this week. That’s more than I ran in January and February combined. I’ll get close to 80 miles this month. Monday was an “easy fartlek” run for 28 minutes that I didn’t do easy enough. I remember feeling pretty beat up…
Lost another 1.6 pounds; returned the Rides
Weighed in on Friday and found I had lost another 1.6 pounds. I should be happy, but I’m slightly disappointed. I’ve lost over 30 pounds in just under 4 months on Weight Watchers. Anyone would be pleased by that, except for me. I should have lost 35 or 40! I didn’t exercise enough… I drank…
Another 2.2 pounds lost and new half marathon training plan
Weighed in on Friday and found I had lost another 2.2 pounds. So I’m down a total of 28.6 pounds now! All my pants are MUCH looser and fabric bunches up when I tighten my belt. I suppose it’s getting to be about time to buy some smaller pants. I do sort of want to…
First Weekly Weight Gain
My weekly weight in was on Friday and I posted my first weekly gain after three months of doing Weight Watchers. It was 1.2 pounds, which takes my total weight loss up to 23.8 pounds. I’m only slightly discouraged by it. I figured my 4.2 pound loss the week before had me at the bottom…
Ready for Carmel 8k race
I’m ready to run the Carmel Marathon weekend 8k race on Saturday. And I have a renewed excitement because the Boston Marathon bombers have been killed and caught. It will be a chilly morning, so I’ll probably be wearing a long sleeve shirt and gloves. And my new Boston Red Sox hat with a Boston…
Was a nice day for a run
Today was a good day for a run. Went out for my 4 mile neighborhood loop and the temp was in the mid 60’s and the strong breeze felt pretty nice. That’s the longest I’ve run in a few months and it felt harder than I expected. But it felt good. Then I went and…
My points help control my life
So the Weight Watchers app and website have been down for about 5.5 hours now. No comment from Weight Watchers on their Twitter, Facebook, or website. Kinda sucks that they charge $19/month for the website and then have zero communications during their outage. Worse than that, is I’m not exactly sure how many points I…
20 Pounds Down!
I started on Weight Watchers Online for Men on January 24th, 2013 and weighed in at 260lbs. I had just gotten bigger and bigger, again, and that 260lbs mark was the straw that broke the camel’s back. It was time for me to do something!