Tag: shopping
New shoes – Brooks PureCadence from Hola Bird Sports
Since I’m so thrifty, I don’t usually order shoes when they’re brand new. I wait until the new version is out and then order them for a hefty savings – normally under $80 I’d say. Preferably closer to $60. So I’m not the greatest source for the latest and greatest shoes. I’ve been wanting to…
Some new running shoes – Saucony Ride 5 – and other stuff
I received a new pair of running shoes today from Running Warehouse. I love Running Warehouse. The shoes are the Saucony Ride 5 and they were closeout priced. I love a sale, remember? Running Warehouse runs sales frequently. We get along real well. The shoes are the first ones I’ve ever bought that are classified…
New Gadget – Garmin Forerunner 305
About a week and a half ago, I guess a week or so before the Carmel Half Marathon, I purchased a Garmin Forerunner 305. I have been using my iPhone and RunKeeper for about two years now and have just gotten tired of running with the big iPhone on my arm. So much so that…
New shoes and handheld water bottle
Picked up some new shoes on sale for like $50 from Running Warehouse. They feel pretty luxurious on my feet while walking around the house. I’ve never tried Mizuno shoes before but I wanted to try something other than Brooks with all the shin splint problems I’ve had. They say the shoe is for mild…
Brooks Ravenna 2 and Nightlife hat
Got my new shoes from RunningWarehouse in today. Brooks Ravenna 2 in size 12.5. I mention the size because I’ve been wearing a 12 and having some numbness issues so I went up the half size. The shoes feel great in the house. Doing a 5k tomorrow so I’ll know real fast how my feet…
Cold and Slippery
So the past week and a half or so have been pretty slippery! Indianapolis got a nice little ice storm that made last week a pretty light running week. Only made two treadmill workouts and a strength training class as part of the YMCA training program. My foot went numb on the treadmill again! Ugh…
Slowly recovering, up to 25 minutes running
I’m still slowly easing myself back in to running. Tonight was a 25 minute run, and it’s just the second time that I’ve done that. My legs are feeling a little sore from all the time off as my muscles get stronger, but it’s not pain like before. I’ve been working out at the YMCA…
Brooks Running Slow to process my refund
Those Brooks Cascadia shoes that I ordered in October? I ended up not liking them after all. I sent them back to Brooks on November 10, they received them on the 17th. I emailed them on November 29 and December 1 asking where my money was. They finally replied on the 1st and said they…
New Shoes – Brooks Cascadia
Got a new pair of shoes in the mail today – Brooks Cascaida 5. And a new beanie, the Infiniti in Green, and, not pictured, Brooks Vapor Dry 3D Stadium Pants. The Beanie is just kinda like a skull cap thing, with the bottom few inches, around the ears, being made of fleece and the…
Visit to the Brooks Cavalcade of Curiosities
Today, I went to visit the Brooks Cavalcade of Curiosities when the Run Happy bus stopped at Castleton Square Mall. The lower level of the bus has a couple small “freak show” type displays of some of the features of the Brooks shoes. Pretty entertaining and creative little displays. The upper level of the bus…