Tag: shopping

  • New shoes – Brooks PureCadence from Hola Bird Sports

    Since I’m so thrifty, I don’t usually order shoes when they’re brand new. I wait until the new version is out and then order them for a hefty savings – normally under $80 I’d say. Preferably closer to $60. So I’m not the greatest source for the latest and greatest shoes. I’ve been wanting to…

  • Some new running shoes – Saucony Ride 5 – and other stuff

    I received a new pair of running shoes today from Running Warehouse. I love Running Warehouse. The shoes are the Saucony Ride 5 and they were closeout priced. I love a sale, remember? Running Warehouse runs sales frequently. We get along real well. The shoes are the first ones I’ve ever bought that are classified…

  • New Gadget – Garmin Forerunner 305

    About a week and a half ago, I guess a week or so before the Carmel Half Marathon, I purchased a Garmin Forerunner 305.  I have been using my iPhone and RunKeeper for about two years now and have just gotten tired of running with the big iPhone on my arm.  So much so that…

  • New shoes and handheld water bottle

    Picked up some new shoes on sale for like $50 from Running Warehouse. They feel pretty luxurious on my feet while walking around the house. I’ve never tried Mizuno shoes before but I wanted to try something other than Brooks with all the shin splint problems I’ve had. They say the shoe is for mild…

  • Brooks Ravenna 2 and Nightlife hat

    Got my new shoes from RunningWarehouse in today. Brooks Ravenna 2 in size 12.5. I mention the size because I’ve been wearing a 12 and having some numbness issues so I went up the half size. The shoes feel great in the house. Doing a 5k tomorrow so I’ll know real fast how my feet…

  • Cold and Slippery

    So the past week and a half or so have been pretty slippery!  Indianapolis got a nice little ice storm that made last week a pretty light running week.  Only made two treadmill workouts and a strength training class as part of the YMCA training program.  My foot went numb on the treadmill again!  Ugh…

  • Slowly recovering, up to 25 minutes running

    I’m still slowly easing myself back in to running.  Tonight was a 25 minute run, and it’s just the second time that I’ve done that.  My legs are feeling a little sore from all the time off as my muscles get stronger, but it’s not pain like before.  I’ve been working out at the YMCA…

  • Brooks Running Slow to process my refund

    Those Brooks Cascadia shoes that I ordered in October? I ended up not liking them after all.  I sent them back to Brooks on November 10, they received them on the 17th.  I emailed them on November 29 and December 1 asking where my money was.  They finally replied on the 1st and said they…

  • New Shoes – Brooks Cascadia

    Got a new pair of shoes in the mail today – Brooks Cascaida 5.  And a new beanie, the Infiniti in Green, and, not pictured, Brooks Vapor Dry 3D Stadium Pants. The Beanie is just kinda like a skull cap thing, with the bottom few inches, around the ears, being made of fleece and the…

  • Visit to the Brooks Cavalcade of Curiosities

    Today, I went to visit the Brooks Cavalcade of Curiosities when the Run Happy bus stopped at Castleton Square Mall. The lower level of the bus has a couple small “freak show” type displays of some of the features of the Brooks shoes.  Pretty entertaining and creative little displays. The upper level of the bus…