Cold and Slippery

So the past week and a half or so have been pretty slippery!  Indianapolis got a nice little ice storm that made last week a pretty light running week.  Only made two treadmill workouts and a strength training class as part of the YMCA training program.  My foot went numb on the treadmill again!  Ugh 🙁

I did have a gait analysis and the guy thought my shoes were too stable for me.  My brand new shoes that are just outside their return policy.  Sheesh.  So I went back to my old Ravenna’s for the past two runs and the numbness wasn’t near as bad.  And my legs weren’t hurting as much.  So I ordered some Ravenna 2’s from Running Warehouse today.  Sure hope they do better than the Adrenaline’s.

Tonight was a ~4 mile run, and I finished w/ a 9:07 pace.  That’s about what I’m happy with.  I have an evaluation with the personal trainer on Thursday, and then I’m doing the 500 Festival 5K training race on Saturday.

On Monday we had a sports performance physician come talk to us.  He specializes in figuring out what sorts of muscle imbalances and weaknesses contribute to non-traumatic injuries.  So, instead of just saying not to run for a month to heal shin splints, he’d take the time to find out what an athlete is doing wrong to cause the shin splints.  Where the weak muscles are.  And, for healthy athletes, he tries to make them better.  So that was pretty interesting to me.  Sorta wish I had found him back in August when I first hurt my foot!

Oh, I don’t know if I mentioned it earlier, but Zappos did hook me up with a box of random stuff a few weeks ago.  That was certainly nice of them.  The coolest item was an Asics visor.  And maybe the Uggs keychain!  Very cool of them!  Buy Zappos!  I emailed the Rock N Roll people earlier this week and tore them a new one for never bothering to send out my $145 t-shirt.  They had no excuse for why I had not received my shirt from the race I canceled over two months ago!  But that shirt arrived today.   They were probably hoping to save a buck and send out as few shirts as possible unless people really complained.  Scummy people.