Tag: marathon training

  • Marathon Plans on Hold

    After that half marathon a couple weeks ago I’ve come down with what feels like Plantar Fasciatis pain.  I took a week off and ran for a week with some mild pain, including a 14 mile run.  But, I’ve come to the conclusion that my feet won’t get better unless I completely stop running.  I…

  • In to Unknown Milage Territory

    Today I did a 14+ mile run with the Indy Runners group.  That was hard! Last week, I felt like I wasn’t able to drink as much as I wanted to.  I was limited to just the various water stops on the Monon, and the two that the Indy Runners put up.  So, I bought…

  • First Full Month of Marathon Training

    Today marks the end of my first full month of marathon training, and I’m finishing it off feeling pretty good. I’ve finished this last week of July with an even 30 miles, my first ever. And I’ve run 111 miles in the month, the first time I’ve gone over 100. I guess it says alot…

  • Marathon Training Underway with the Indy Runners

    I’m exceptionally bad about forgetting to update this little blog.  But, I’ve now completed two runs with the Indy Runners group.  They have a semi-informal fall race prep program that consists of weekly recommended miles to run on Saturday mornings with the group.  We’ve just done 6 miles each time so far, and there has…