Tag: injury
Taking it easy – knees are hurting
I guess it was about 3 weeks ago that I first started noticing some knee pain after running. I figured that maybe my shoes were nearing the end of their life (I can usually only get 200 miles on a pair!) and thought I’d shop around. About 20 – 25 days ago I missed my…
Catching up on things
Well, like I usually tend to do, I forgot about the blog for a few weeks. Oops! On July 4, 2013, I ran the Firecracker 6 mile race in downtown Indianapolis. I have a bit of a streak going with this one since this was my 4th year of the race and the 4th time…
Let’s see if I can stay healthy
Yea, yea, the blog has been pretty quiet. Well, so has my running. After that Monumental Half Marathon I managed to run a 10K in December, and I decided to let my leg heal. I had a sore spot about 1/3 up my shin, right on the inside edge of the bone. If I had…
Marathon Plans on Hold
After that half marathon a couple weeks ago I’ve come down with what feels like Plantar Fasciatis pain. I took a week off and ran for a week with some mild pain, including a 14 mile run. But, I’ve come to the conclusion that my feet won’t get better unless I completely stop running. I…
Back to some running
Ok, I keep forgetting about my blog! Sheesh. Last Wednesday was so nice, I just had to get back to running a day earlier than the doctor said. Problem was, it was a 8 mile run with the training group. I figured I would get to a turn around point that would let me do…
Officially Injured, Again, but I know why!
So Wednesday night we did six miles with the training program. By the end of it, both of my shins were basically numb. I averaged 9:12/mile. That’s been my pace in the past, but I’ve been moving a little quicker recently and I was able to feel myself slowing down as I went. So I…
Shins are hurting again
So, I should be finishing up a five mile run, but instead I’m writing this post. On Monday night, we did a small fartlek workout. About a mile to warmup, then four repeats of 2 minutes slow / 1 minute fast, then a mile cooldown. I woke up Tuesday to painful shins. Not as bad…
Still some numbness when running
On Saturday I ran the 5k in about 26:27.. I say about because the online results just showed my gun time for some reason, so my time is what Runkeeper on my iPhone showed. I did the miles in 8:26, 8:27, and 8:51. The last mile was so much slower because of the numbness in…
Doc Says I can’t run, Gotta Miss Vegas Half Marathon
I tried to go out for a run on Tuesday, 10 days after the Monumental Half. I had gone the whole 10 days wearing an Ace bandage or Zensah compression sleeve. I had bought “The Stick” and tennis balls and a foam roller and used them all. I had used the rowing machine and stationary…
Indianapolis Monumental Half Race Report
Today was the big day – The Indianapolis Monumental Half Marathon. Race time temp was around 27 degrees! I hung out in the lobby area of the parking garage until about 20 minutes before start time. I had on my Brooks Infiniti beanie, Nike convertible gloves, Nike “thermal” running shirt and vest, and Brooks running…