Ready for Carmel 8k race

20130419-212633.jpgI’m ready to run the Carmel Marathon weekend 8k race on Saturday. And I have a renewed excitement because the Boston Marathon bombers have been killed and caught. It will be a chilly morning, so I’ll probably be wearing a long sleeve shirt and gloves. And my new Boston Red Sox hat with a Boston yellow ribbon on it. Should be a good time with this good news from tonight.

Oh, and I’ll be a “streaker” since I’ve run in each of the 3 Carmel Marathon Weekend races; the half the first year, 8k last year, and 8k this year. Check out the sticker on my bib! I think I’ll get a nifty piece of bling at the end.

Oh yea, my weigh in this week was down 4.2 lbs, for a total of 25 lbs lost in 1 week shy of three months following Weight Watchers. I had planned on just doing WW for three months and then going on my own, but I think I’ll continue my subscription and continue this journey.