Firecracker 6 Race Report

On Monday, July 4, Independence Day, I ran the Firecracker 6 in downtown Indianapolis.  It was the second year for the race, and my second time running in.

When I arrived at the Indy City Market there was a light drizzle, though the forecast wasn’t really calling for rain.  I got my bib and goodie bag then headed back to the car to put my stuff down and pin the number on.  Headed back to the Market and there was still the light drizzle but it had lightened up and had completely stopped by the time we were ordered to the starting coral.

Shortly before the race, the Indiana National Guard color guard presented the colors and a Guardsman sung the National Anthem.  Then a 10 yard string of ladyfinger firecrackers was lit and we were off.  As far was I was feeling during the race – not bad at all.  There were a few moments where I felt I slowed, but I otherwise felt pretty strong during the entire race.  We ran past a lot of the monuments and important places in downtown Indy – the Murat, Indiana War Memorial, Monument Circle, State House, Lucas Oil Stadium, Conseco Fieldhouse, and Fountain Square.  I love the route and seeing all those sights.  I sure hope they’re able to continue the race!

I finished in 51:24, first three miles were 25:48 and the last three were 25:36, which left me with a positive split.  Average pace was 8:31.  I don’t know the exact mile splits because the Garmin got a little lost as I was running around Union Station and then under the big parking garage structure on Virginia Ave.  I finished with a little left in my tank, which I guess means that I probably could have ran faster.  But I was happy.  I was the 85th male to finish which meant that I didn’t get the top finisher mug like I did last year.  That’s ok, I had a good time and that’s the important part to keeping me running!

There were photographers at the event but the pictures haven’t been published yet.  I’ll try to remember to update this post if my pictures don’t look too bad 😉