Carmel Half Marathon Running

Carmel Half Marathon Race Report

Today was the Carmel Half Marathon and I finished in 2:12 watch time. There was some walking after mile 9 because my hip felt like it was tightening up again. Just wasn’t feeling 100% after having a cold this week, and my training after the Mini didn’t go well. Just that one 9.something mile run and a couple six milers.

That was 10 minutes slower than the Mini! I did enjoy the event and seeing the sights of Carmel though, so I guess that’s the important part.

I parked at the closest “preferred” parking lot and it was a pretty short walk up to the starting area, and the walk back to the car after the race probably helped keep me loose.

I took my handheld bottle with me and sipped when I wanted and filled up at water stations when needed. I heard a couple people complain about the gap between the station at the elemenatry school and then not another until around mile 6 or so. I had noticed that on the map and it was what made my final decisino to take the bottle with me. Had two gels, so I was able to skip the blue Powerade until the end. I did save the gel packages and make sure they made it in to trash containers 🙂

I heard some drivers get upset at the police that were telling them they couldn’t go certain ways… like down Main Street when runners were on both sides of the road.


Carmel Half Marathon Running


3 responses to “Carmel Half Marathon Race Report”

  1. Congrats on the finish. How’s your hip feeling now?

  2. Cwilly73

    Congrats on the finishing time and I hope the hip is feeling better. Keep on runnin’!

  3. It’s feeling much better now, thanks! Been out for a four mile and a five mile run.