Quick “Hood to Coast” Review

On 1-11-11 I went go to see the premier of Hood to Coast, a movie about the relay race of the same name.  Basically, the relay race has teams of 12 running from Mount Hood to the Pacific ocean – a distance of about 197 miles.

I went to see the movie at the GQTI Hamilton Town Center IMAX theater.  There was probably around 75 people in the theater, which I guess wasn’t too bad for a snowy Tuesday night.  The group of seven ladies in front of me were dang annoying with their constant chatter throughout the showing.  I could have done without that!

Before the show was some of the red carpet arrivals, which gave the feeling of an ‘event’ rather than just a movie.  I believe there was supposed to be a panel talk of some sort after the show, but GQTI turned up the lights during the credits and everyone filed out.  I was a little disappointed about that too.

The movie follows the preparation of a couple different teams, and then shows their journey.  Each has their own unique reason for doing the race, other than just being groups of crazy runners that is.  A couple of heart warming stories, and a couple of silly stories… all stories about a group of people taking on a stretch of road.

The race is especially unique because the teams leave in a staggered start, so they all end up at the beach around the same time.. they can, not just individual teams, but all the teams together, all celebrate their victory over the road together!  I imagine that would be quite a feeling.

The movie went by too quickly for me.  I wanted to see additional stories and more of the journey.

It left me wondering what a relay race may be like to experience.  I’m not sure that I’d enjoy it while I was doing it, but I’d probably appreciate the journey when I finished.