5 miles at 90 degrees

Just got in from a 5.3 mile run in 90 degree heat.  If that didn’t help me forget the problems of the day!  My legs were feeling pretty good, and the Superfeet seem to be giving me support right where it feels the best.  They still feel a little funny, but I think it’s a good funny.  My big house project is done with, so I’m really hoping I’ll be able to concentrate on getting myself back in to shape for the half marathon now.

I had a little 12 oz water bottle with me which I think helped keep me moving.  I don’t know if I necessarily needed it, but having it sure made my feel better, if only for the placebo effect.

I’m thinking of heading to Las Vegas for the Rock n Roll Half Marathon in December.  If my training goes well the next couple weeks I’ll probably start thinking harder about it.