Foot pain – Oh no!

I woke up this morning to terrible pain on the arch of my left foot.  Feeling around, it seems like the pain originates kinda between the ankle and the top of the arch.  It was hurting to walk.  I put my cold pack on it for 15 minutes and that helped a little bit.  I tried to massage the area a couple times during the day at work.  I was going to avoid running tonight and just do some weight lifting, but I decided to give it a try.

Bad idea!  I was barely able to run 3 minutes.  Every single step hurt! Ahh!  If this keeps up and I can’t run Saturday, I’ll be very worried about what the future holds.

edit: The more I read, the more I think it’s Posterior Tibial Tendinitis.

This thread on the RW forums has a helpful massage / stretch.  And, here is a copy in case it gets lost:

Sit in a chair and place the ankle of the leg to be massaged on the opposite knee. You’ll be looking right at the medial side of the shin – and post tib. (All of the following assumes you’re massaging your left leg.) Place the thumb of your right hand right behind the shin bone, down by the ankle. The thumb is placed along the bone – so it’s pointing up toward the knee. The fingers of the right hand will wrap around the front of the shin. Now place the left thumb on top of the right thumb. Wrap the left hand fingers around the front of the shin. Start making small circles with your foot. You’ll see post tib contract and relax. Push your thumbs deeply/firmly into the flesh and, while making slow circles with your foot, slide your thumbs up toward the knee. You’ll hopefully be massaging that muscle and releasing any of the restricting fascia that could be inhibiting the muscle movement.